Ropes End Pest Control

Residential and Commercial Pest Control in the Wood River Valley

About Us

Local Valley Resident Since 1982

No Contracts Required

Residential or Commercial

Our Services

Insect Barrier Spray Service

Rodent Services

Squirrel, Skunk & Racoon Trapping

Full Service Pest Control

Services we’re great at

Here are some of the services that we offer.  We can handle any commercial or residential job, big or small. Give us a call today.

Rodent Control 

Our monthly rodent services will remove Mice and Rats that invade homes or other structures looking for food and shelter. Their activity can damage buildings, and property by their constant gnawing and burrowing. They contaminate food, and can spread diseases to people and pets. 

Insect/Spider Barrier 

Dealing with bugs on the inside of your home can be a nuisance. You can count on us to tackle the issue with a home perimeter pest spray.  This treatment creates a shield around your home, stopping new bugs from getting in and killing those insects already crossing in and out of the structure.

Wildlife Trapping

If you are hearing scratching noises in the attic or in the walls, you may have an animal problem in your home. We are trained in all forms of animal wildlife removal. We specialize in the removal of skunks, squirrels, raccoons, and all other wildlife that may be infesting your property.